TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus
TSPSC Group 1 Notification
The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is a large organization established by the Constitution of India that selects people for civil service in the Indian state of Telangana. Candidates who want to apply for the posts through TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus Exam can get the complete syllabus here. The most important thing to reach the destination for any exam is to cover the correct and complete syllabus. With a detailed syllabus, TSPSC Group 1 Notification you can also check here for other basic details. Download TSPSC Previous Year Questionnaire TSPSC Group 1 Notification .
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus
TSPSC Group 1 Notification Exam Details
Some basic details of the TSPSC Group 1 exam include full information eligibility criteria, age limit, exam selection process, and exam fees.
Candidates who have completed an undergraduate / graduate degree in the relevant specialization from any recognized university or board are eligible to appear for the examination with minimum marks.
Candidate must be an Indian citizen.
Age Limit:
The minimum age limit for general category candidates is 18 years and the maximum age limit is 34 years.
Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of preliminary examination, written test and oral interview.
Examination Application Fee: Candidates pay Rs. 125 for application fee.
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus TSPSC
Preliminary Exam Syllabus
- Current Affairs: Regional, National, and International.
- International relations and events.
- General Science; India's achievements in science and technology
- Environmentals Issues:- Disaster Managements- Prevention Strategies and Mitigation Strategies.
- Economic and Social Development of India.
- Geography of the World, Geography of India, and Geography of Telangana State.
- Indian History and Cultural Heritage.
- Constitution of India and Politics.
- Governance and public policy in India.
- Telangana state policies.
- Society, Culture, Heritage, Art and Literature Telangana.
- Social exclusion: rights and issues and comprehensive policies on gender, caste, tribe, disability, etc.
- Logical Reasoning: Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
TSPSC Group 1 Syllabus TSPSC
Mains Exam Syllabus
- General English (Qualifying Test)
- Dotted errors: punctuation and spelling
- Fill in the blanks - verb periods, conjunctions, and prepositions.
- Rewrite sentences - active and passive voice; Live and reported speeches; Use of vocabulary.
- Confusing sentences (Jumbled up sentences)
- Comprehension
- Thesis writing
- Writing a letter
Paper-1: General Essay
- (Candidate should write three essays and select one from each section. Each section will have three questions. Each essay will have 50 marks.)
- Contemporary social issues and social issues.
Problems in economic development and justice.
Section II:
- Dynamics of Indian politics.
Historical and Cultural Heritage of India.
Section III:
- Advances in Science and Technology.
Education and human resource development.
- History, Culture and Geography
- Modern period (1757 to 1947 AD) Indian history and culture with special reference.
- History and Cultural Heritage of Telangana
- Geography of India and Telangana.
- Indian Society, Constitution and Governance
- Indian society, structure, issues and social movements
- Constitution of India
- Governance
Paper-IV :
- Economy and Development
- Indian Economy and Development.
- Economy of Telangana
- Development and environmental issues
- Science & Technology & Data Interpretation
- Role and impact of science and technology.
- Modern trend, in the application of scientific knowledge.
- Data interpretation and problem solving
- Telangana Movement and State Structure
- Thought of Telangana (1948-1970)
- Equation phase (1971 –1990)
- Establishment of Telangana State (1991-2014)
TSPSC Exam Pattern
TSPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern 2020
A sample of TSPSC Group 1 Exam Preliminary, Mains Exam, and Interview is given below.
Basic test procedure
- The structure of the basic test consists of objective-type questions.
- The test is conducted for two and a half hours and a maximum of 150 marks.
- The basic test consists of general cognitive studies and psychological aptitude questions.
- For the Objective-Type Test, TSPSC has negative marking in which they subtract 1/3 mark for each wrong answer.
Mains test pattern
Candidates who pass this preliminary examination will be admitted to the General English Main Examination with a qualifying examination conducted for 150 marks over a period of three hours.
There will also be six more papers in the main exam.
The total marks in the combination of all the papers in the main examination is 900 qualifying papers except English.
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed for 100 marks with a total of 1000 marks. As a first step in the selection process, applicants must undergo an objective type preliminary or screening test. After this, they undergo the main traditional type of written test. Only candidates participating in the selection process from Prelims to Mains will be selected.
Then, the selected candidates from Main should be obtained through oral test or interview. Eligibility requirements for the final selection of candidates for Group I posts will be met along with the marks obtained in the oral examination and the main examination.
In the case of posts with multiple fields, they will be selected based on the preference of the candidates. For some positions, candidates must have physical fitness criteria.